What Fuel You Need

Step 1: Lay the Foundation with Firelighters
Start with a few wood wool firelighters or any natural firelighter of your choice. These should be placed at the center of your fireplace or wood stove. They catch fire quickly and sustain a flame long enough to light the kindling.

Step 2: Add Kindling
On top of your firelighters, arrange a generous amount of kindling. These are small sticks or thin pieces of wood that will catch fire easily, helping to establish a strong, enduring flame. The key here is to create a lattice or teepee structure that allows for good airflow.

Step 3: Introduce a Fast-Burning Log
Once your kindling is set, add a fast-burning log like alder on top. Alder ignites faster than denser woods and will create a strong fire quickly. Place it so that it doesn't smother the kindling and allows for airflow.

Step 4: Add Slow-Burning Logs
After your fire is lively and the alder is burning well, it's time to add the heavy hitters: slow-burning logs such as birch. These denser woods burn longer and provide a consistent, lasting heat. Add one or two logs, depending on the size of your fireplace.